Gastronomy at EUROPARK!
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From wednesday 19.05. finally open again!


All under one roof: over 130 shops and restaurants await you at Europe’s most attractive shopping centre!

EUROPARK is the largest shopping centre in Austria and – in terms of revenue per m² – is among the most successful in the whole of Europe.

The shopping centre gained international prestige in 2007 when it was the first in the history of the International Council of Shopping Centres to be honoured with two ICSC Awards.

50.700 m²

130 Shops

4.200 free parking spaces


Affentor I – Jörg Immendorff

2006, Bronze
Kunsthalle Krems – Leihgabe der Sammlung MAP

The Tree – Jonathan Borofsky

2010, Logoplastik

EUROPARK Center-Management

Mag. Manuel Mayer
Mag. Christoph Andexlinger

More Contacts

International awards:

ICSC European Shopping Center Award 2017, Warschau (2017)
ICSC Solal Marketing Award 2014, Amsterdam (2014)
ICSC Solal Marketing Award 2008, Prag (2008)
ICSC World Shopping Center Award 2007, Phönix (2007)
ICSC European Shopping Center Award 2007, Warschau (2007)
ICSC Solal Marketing Award „Merit“, Monte Carlo (2002)
Biennale Venedig, Italien (2000)
Österreichischer Bauherrenpreis, Graz, Österreich (1998)
Architekturpreis des Landes Salzburg, Österreich (1998)